Site settings

First, visit the home page of your website, and make sure you’re logged in and have the editor open.

Click the site settings button in the top right off the website, in the Edit bar. 

Under the General tab you’ll find a number of sub tabs. Click any of these to adjust the settings under each. There is also a tab for design settings and another to export your content for use on another WordPress installation. 

Church details

First check here and ensure that all details are correct. This is where you can upload a custom logo and change the church name and address. If your site uses multiple languages be sure to enter your church name for each language.


If you would like to make your website available in multiple languages, add each here. Doing so will add a language selector dropdown to the site menu.

After adding a new language, select it via the site menu to switch to the new language. Now edit the home page, replacing text with the new translations.

Whenever you edit a page, change the site menu, or add new content, it will affect the currently selected language.

Sabbath service times

Add each service time here, specifying if it is Sabbath school or the main service. These will be used for the defaults of the This week page section.

Preaching roster

Use the Add button to enter the preacher's name, sermon info, and date of your rostered preachers. These do not need to be in order, and some dates can be skipped if no info is available. Only the date is required, with default text shown for any blank fields.

The preacher for the coming Sabbath will be shown in the This week section (on the home page by default).

Announcement bar

The announcement bar, when enabled here, will show at the top of your website and is useful for displaying important information in a way that is most likely to be seen.


Emails from contact forms will be sent to the address entered here by default, but may be overriden for individual forms.


Social media

Any social media URLs added here will add links to those pages from your website footer and other places (depending on the active theme).

Facebook URL
Entering your Facebook URL will allow you to show a feed of your Facebook posts anywhere on the site. If provided at site creation the feed will be added automatically to the home page, otherwise it may be added as a page section at any time.

Facebook Page ID
The Facebook Page ID is required to use Facebook chat. To find your Page ID:

  1. From News Feed, click Pages in the left side menu.

  2. Click your Page name to go to your Page.

  3. Click About at the top of your Page. If you don't see it, click More.

  4. Scroll down to find your Page ID below More Info.

Facebook chat
Facebook chat will show as a widget in the corner of the screen for visitors to chat directly with you via Facebook Messenger.

YouTube URL
Add the URL to your YouTube channel here. This will allow your YouTube videos to be displayed automatically on the website (see below).

Email newsletter signup URL
This URL is used for the default URL of the page section with the same name. If provided at site creation, this will be automatically added to your website home page.

External content

Checking this option will show news from external sources, such as Adventist News Network.

Sabbath school lesson in resources
This will show the current weeks sabbath school lesson in the Sabbath school resource category.

Sabbath school videos
If the above option is checked, this will also show videos about the current weeks lesson in the Sabbath school resource category.


Choose the service used for your livestream to have it display in the Livestream page section. If choosing Custom, enter the URL to the livestream page.

YouTube videos

If you have entered your YouTube channel URL previously, select this to show all playlists on your Videos page. To only show specific playlists, uncheck this, then check each playlist you would like to show.



Change the design of your website by selecting a theme here. Click the Preview button to open a new tab with a preview of your website with that theme. When you're done, close the tab to return to the site settings, and then click the Activate button to use the new theme.


Select from a list of colour schemes here, using the Preview and Activate buttons as above.

Some themes utilize the Creation grid, with a 7th of the site width displaying a solid colour and the Adventist logo. Use the dropdown here to change the colour of the 7th column, or to hide it completely.


Use the dropdown here to change the design of the Events page.


Click the button here to download your website content in a WordPress export file.

Please note that we store page content in post meta as JSON, and will not display as expected on other WordPress installations. We may provide an automated conversion process in the future.