Page sections

First, visit the home page of your website, and make sure you’re logged in and have the editor open.

The home page (along with other pages) is made up of sections. Between each section you’ll see a group of buttons – use these to add, delete, and change the order of the sections. Some sections have extra settings which can be changed with a settings button.

Remember that any changes you make won’t be visible to your site visitors until you save them – with the save button in the top left of the Edit bar

To delete a section, hover over the button with an X. You should see the section above the button highlight. Click the button and it will be removed. 

To change the order of all the sections on the page, click any of the reorder buttons below a section. You will see a list of all sections on the left, with numbers corresponding to the sections on the page to the right. Simply drag and drop the items in the list on the left, and you will see the page update to the right. If you would like to cancel your change, click the close button. To accept the change, click the accept button. 

To add a new section, find the place you would like it to go, then click the plus icon at the bottom of the section right before where you would like the new one. 

Choose from a list of section types. 

Most section types will be added directly to the page, while some will ask for some extra info first. 

After the section is added to the page, click the text to edit it directly, click images and videos to change them, and forms to set them.