Media library

The media library will open when clicking on an image or video section, or when adding an image, video, or file to a text content area.

We include a range of preselected images from public sources such as Unsplash, listed under Public. Any media uploaded by yourself will be listed under User.


To upload a file click the Upload button at the top of the media library, or drag and drop a file from your computer directly onto the page. In certain circumstances the type of file that can be uploaded (and those displayed) will be restricted, such as when selecting a sermon audio or video.

Select a media item

Click any item from the list of User uploaded or Public media to select it. By default not all items will be shown – click the Load more button to see more.

After clicking an item a preview will be shown – click the Choose button to use it on the page, or click Back to choose another.

Delete an item

After selecting a media item, click the Delete button under the preview on the left side to delete it.

Insert a gallery

Use the Gallery checkbox to add a group of images to a content section. This checkbox is located in the media library just after the uploader.

With the gallery mode activated, click multiple images, then click the Choose gallery button in the bottom right corner.

You will now be able to edit additional settings:

Gallery columns

Enter a single number to set the columns across all rows of the image gallery.

Enter multiple numbers separated by a space to set the columns of individual rows. If there are more rows than numbers input, the last number will be used for the final rows.

Gallery inner spacing

Enter a single number here to increase the space between each image.

Gallery border radius

Enter a single number here to apply rounded corners to each image in the gallery. Percentages may be used.

Enter up to four numbers separated by spaces to apply a different radius to each corner.